Published: 11.07.2023

Wind2 – Helping Wales Achieve its Renewable Energy Agenda

In the face of the ongoing climate emergency, the need for renewable energy solutions has become more critical than ever.

Wind2's Welsh roots and commitment

Led by Chairman Gerry Jewson, Wind2 has deep roots in Wales and a genuine affinity for the country. Long before renewable energy became a government priority, Gerry recognised the potential of harnessing the power of wind as well as other renewable resources. Alongside Managing Director Sarah Smith, their unwavering commitment to Wales has driven Wind2 to invest in the country, both in terms of the economy and the environment.

Investing in talent and the future

A key objective for Sarah and Gerry is to ensure that Wind2 employs the brightest talent in the renewable energy industry that will continue driving the sector forward. To achieve this, we have employed an Apprentice Development Engineer and Graduate Project Manager. Additionally, Wind2 offers valuable work placements for university students, nurturing the next generation of renewable energy leaders.

Working with the Welsh government's sustainable energy agenda

Recognising the importance of supporting the development of renewable energy infrastructure, the Welsh government has introduced the Infrastructure (Wales) Bill. This legislation aims to streamline the planning and consenting process for major infrastructure projects, including energy developments. The bill will pave the way for significant progress in Wales' journey towards achieving net zero emissions.

Wind2's commitment to renewable energy goes beyond simply generating clean electricity. It is driven by a team with a passion to create a sustainable future for Wales. By prioritising community involvement and investing in the development of local talent, we are working towards helping achieve the Welsh agenda for renewable energy. Through our efforts, we are not only helping Wales reach its net zero target but also fostering economic growth and environmental stewardship.

Collaboration for innovative community benefits

In collaboration with our strategic partner, Octopus Energy Generation, we are actively engaged with Community Energy Wales to design innovative community benefits. These benefits not only include community funds but also there is the potential for community ownership of future wind projects in Wales. We firmly believe that every project we undertake should not only benefit the environment but also have tangible advantages for the local community. By involving local communities in the decision-making process and ensuring that they have a stake in the projects, Wind2 and Octopus Energy Generation have the potential to foster a sense of ownership and create projects that are embraced by the people they serve.

As we face the challenges of the climate emergency, it is important that we continue to innovate ways to sustainably harness renewable energy. Together, we can build a greener, cleaner future for Wales, one powered by the boundless energy of the Welsh wind.