Published: 02.11.2023

A Summer with Wind2

Summer often brings new adventures and opportunities for growth. For Beth, this summer was about embarking on a transformative journey with Wind2, and she’d love to share her experience with you.

A Steppingstone

Beth, who goes into her final year of her Geography and Natural Hazard Management degree at The University of Chester, began her summer adventure with anticipation as she joined Wind2 three days a week from the beginning of June. But before that, Beth had already set foot in the world of renewables with a five-week work placement at Wind2.

Growth in Professionalism

Beth has found Wind2 to be a nurturing environment for her personal and professional growth, witnessing a boost in her confidence, especially in communication and task execution. Every day has been a lesson in professionalism.

Summer vs. Work Placement

Comparing her summer role to her earlier work placement, one significant difference stands out - responsibility. This summer, Beth was entrusted with more significant tasks, often working independently. She also gained a deeper understanding of the industry, allowing her to tackle challenges with greater ease and confidence.

Skills Amplified

Beth’s skills have blossomed across the board. One highlight has been mastering Geographic Information Systems (GIS), which initially seemed daunting. Now, she confidently navigates GIS tools and can even create Theoretical Zones of Visibility for wind turbines—a skill she couldn't have imagined mastering just months ago.

The Highlight: A Collective Experience

While Beth can't pinpoint a single standout moment, she has said that every day at Wind2 has been a highlight. What made it special has been the warm welcome and the sense of belonging within the Wind2 family. She has been part of team activities and office socials, a testament to the team's inclusivity. Watching a project she contributed to evolve from its early stages has been particularly fascinating and rewarding.

Being a Part of the Team

Chris Thomas, Technical and Development Director, was so impressed with Beth’s work ethic during her 5-week work placement that he offered her a part-time role to help cover summer holidays. Chris has seen Beth flourish during her time, working both independently and as part of the wider Wind2 team. Beth has been a fantastic addition to the team during a very busy time; the additional support has been incredibly helpful.

Inspiring Futures

While Beth was not certain if any of her peers took the opportunity for summer placements, she confidently said that her own experience has cemented her enthusiasm for the renewable industry.

Tips for Maximising Your Placement Experience

Beth makes the following recommendations if you're embarking on a similar journey to make the most out of your summer placement:

  • Embrace the opportunity to learn and don't fear making mistakes.
  • Be willing to try new things, even if you're unsure; asking for help is a sign of growth.
  • Cultivate a curious mindset; every challenge is a chance to learn.
  • Treasure the connections you make, and remember that every step is a part of your journey toward a brighter future.

As Beth’s summer chapter ends, she looks forward to what lies ahead in the renewable industry. It's a field she’s passionate about and is eager to contribute to a sustainable future.

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