Wind2 Apprentice, Jack Goundrey, Reflects on His First Year with Wind2
Jack Goundrey, Wind2 Apprentice Development Engineer, joined the company in September 2022. As he completes his first academic year at university, Jack reflects on how his confidence and skills have grown.
Jack's apprenticeship with Wind2 is his first full-time job, as he also attends Wrexham Glyndŵr University, studying BEng (Hons) Low Carbon Energy, Efficiency & Sustainability. Unlike his peers, who have chosen the traditional education route, Jack appreciates the benefits of working full-time while pursuing his degree.
Jack shares that he has enjoyed his first year at university and has acquired many new skills that are directly applicable to his work. The apprenticeship has provided him with valuable vocational and financial opportunities that he gets to put into practice immediately. Jack notes that his friends in full-time education will have to wait for work placements or finish their courses before trying out their skills in a real-world setting.
A standout skill Jack has gained is Computer-Aided Design (CAD). Although he initially found the software challenging, his perseverance paid off as he produced a design that he was proud of and excelled in the module.
Jack has had many highlights, with one standout being his site visit to Cumberhead Wind Farm. While Jack lives close to an offshore wind farm near his home in North Wales, he hadn't appreciated the true scale of the turbines! However, in Cumberhead, he was able to stand almost directly underneath the wind turbines, which really highlighted the majestic power of the wind in creating renewable energy.

Wind2 is Jack's first full-time job. However, to gain valuable work experience (and money), he worked at McDonald's during his sixth form studies, where he learned many skills including time management, working as part of a team, and how to make the perfect Big Mac! Muhammad Mangat, Wind2 Technical Manager, and Jack's line manager, commends Jack's work ethic and eagerness to learn. The whole team, including Lucy Taylor, Assistant Technical and Project Manager, agrees that Jack is a fantastic asset.
Sarah Smith, Wind2's Managing Director, acknowledges that the renewable energy sector is in a huge period of growth as the world looks to remove the use of fossil fuels. Commenting that it is vital companies like ours invest in the future of the industry by encouraging new talent. Apprenticeships are a fantastic way for people to start a career or retrain, and Sarah is very proud that Wind2's first apprentice is not only bringing new and exciting experiences to the team but is positively flourishing.
Sarah concluded that Jack is a great asset to the Wind2 team, and she looks forward to watching his continued growth as he forges his path in the renewable energy industry.
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